Syriac Orthodox Traditions
Mor Hananyo Monastery Mardin (Turkey, UTC + 3) and
St. Ephrem the Syrian Monastery in Glane/Losser (The Netherland)
18 MARCH 2021, 16h00-17h30
Mor Hananyo Monastic choir
Mor Filuksinos Saliba Özmen
Hori Gabriyel Akyüz – Rahip Fanuil Hazım Sami – Leyla Özber Bayruğ – Lora Aydın Özaltun -Merina Bayruğ – Feride Çatı Kırılmaz – Juli Bayruğ – İshak Akyüz – Saliba Akay – Orom Atuğ
Diocese choir, The Netherland
Anton Acis (choir leader) – Jonathan Acis (choir leader)
Danho Yanguc – Delmon Abdulahad – Ephrem van der Kaap – Lea Youssef – Anne Turan -Cathrina Gouriye – Lisa Baysoy – Esther Can – Manuela Can
Musicians Production
Samuel Bakir (Saz player) Sara Cigri
Danho Lahdo (Keyboard) Fikri Sarisin
Benjamin Yalcin
Lahdo Cakir
Gabriel Malki
Special thanks to His Eminence Mor Polycarpus Augin Aydin

Part 1 from Mardin Mor Hanayo Monastery
Aboun d-bashmayo (The Lord’s prayer)
- Ftaḥ li mor: (Lord, open your door for me) Saumo Rabo /Great Lent
- Qorenan lokh: (We cry out to you) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- Thar Gabriel: (Gabriel was astonished) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- Abiub dbashmayo ‛ni lan: (Our father who is in heaven, answer to our petitions) Saumo Rabo /Great Lent
- Qadish Qadish Qadish Moryo: (Holy, holy, holy, Lord) usha‛ne /Palm Sunday
- Dawid Ethnabi: (Dawid prophesized) usha‛ne /Palm Sunday
- Nfaq Kenshe dyaluḍé: (The crowd of children went out) usha‛ne /Palm Sunday
- Tubo lyaluḍé: (Blessed are the children) usha‛ne /Palm Sunday
- Bmathlé malel forugan (Our saviour, speaks through parables) ḥamsho drozé/Maundy Thursday.
- Ba’rubto qabel gzor dino (On Friday He received His Verdict) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- sleq laṣlibo (He was crucified) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- Mshiḥo detho lḥasho wmawto wazqifutho (Christ who was crucified) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- Moran ethraḥama’laun (Lord. Have mercy upon us) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- Bro dbaqyomteh (The Son, in His recsurrection) ‛iḍo daqyomto / Resurrection
- Qom Gaboro men qabro (The almighty rose from the tomb) ‛iḍo daqyomto / Resurrection
Part 2 from St. Ephrem the Syrian Monastery in The Netherland
- Ho qṭil hu b-Meṣren (Behold, the Passover lamb was killed in Egypt) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- ‛al haw tar‛o : (At that outer door) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- Kefneth kmo zabnin : (How many times have I been hungry) Saumo Rabo /Great Lent
- Moran Ethraḥame‛layn : (Lor4d, have mercy upon us) Saumo Rabo /Great Lent
- Thar Gabriel : (Gabriel was astonished) Shobu‛o d-Hasho / Holy Week
- Bro Dbaqyomteh : (By His resurrection)‛iḍo rabo/ Easter
- Mshiḥo Ethnaḥam : (Christ was resurrected)‛iḍo rabo/ Easter
- Qom Bukhro : (Today the Firstborn has awakened) ‛iḍo rabo/ Easter